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Delightful Updates Newsletter: Keeping faith-driven entrepreneurs in-the-know with what's working in paid advertising.

Keeping faith-driven entrepreneurs in-the-know with what’s working in paid advertising.

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In this week's newsletter, we'll be exploring what it takes to be profitable with ads, including my handy Ads Profitability Calculator to help you determine what kind of results you can expect for your specific offer.


Plus, we'll be dishing out some insider tips on what truly makes ads successful (hint: it's not just the ads themselves).


But that's not all! We've also got some exciting news from the tech world, a client win to celebrate, and a question for you.


So, let’s dive into this week's newsletter.

“When Will I Be Profitable With Ads?”

I get asked this question ALL. THE. TIME. when speaking with prospective clients.

“How long will it take for me to be profitable when I start running ads?”

And the answer is…it depends!

(Shocker, I know.) But here's what you need to know…

It all comes down to the numbers, my friends.


If you’ve never run ads before, I share a few questions to ask yourself that can help answer this question.


Click here to read more on the blog… 


Also, find my new Ads Profitability Calculator designed to help you discover what kind of results can be possible for your specific offer.

Ads Don’t Make You Money

There. I said it.

Ads DO NOT make you money.

The quality of your offer, your marketing and messaging, and your funnels are what make you money. 

Ads get you TRAFFIC.

Yes, your ads should be performing well and bringing the right people into your funnels.

But no amount of money spent on ads can fix a bad funnel. 

(Or a bad offer, for that matter.)

End of story.



TikTok: Check out Nigel Thomas’s post that shares 18 hook ideas that work to grab the attention of your audience. Use these ideas to start any type of video content you’re creating.

Microsoft Bing: Here’s a sneak peek at what ads may look like in the new Bing AI chat platform.

Google SEO: Wondered if Google will penalize AI-generated content when it comes to SEO? Think again. Google has clarified how AI-generated content fits into their “long-standing approach to show helpful content to people on Search.” In their words, it will reward high-quality content, no matter how it’s produced.

Meta: Zuckerburg has entered the Artificial Intelligence arena. He announced a tool that’s similar to Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Microsoft’s Bing AI. It’s called LLaMa. It’s unique in that it’s being made available to the “AI research community.”


Here’s a unique perspective on a recent ad campaign.

A client wanted to validate a new workshop idea prior to opening her high-ticket group coaching program.

This client has consistently run ads in the past to grow her email list and to bring people into her ecosystem. So when she wanted to “try out” a new workshop, she beta tested it to her warm audiences first before promoting it with ads.

When validating an offer, you want to know two things:

  1. Do people want what you’re offering?
  2. Are they purchasing on the back end?

(Too often, people will waste money by running ads to a newly created webinar funnel without knowing if their audience is even interested.)




She promoted the workshop organically to her email list, social media accounts, and on her podcast.

We ran retargeting ads on a small budget to remind webinar registrants about her high-ticket offer after the workshop once the doors opened.

Here were her results for a goal of “validating a new offer.” 

Total Amount Spent on Ads: $384.94

Total Revenue Generated: $12,414

ROAS: 32.2x

Some people may say, “That’s an amazing Return on Ad Spend!”

Some people may say, “That’s not enough money. Ads should make you 100K or more!”

You might even think that if you knew that this client typically brings in $60-70K for a launch.

So, was it a failure?!

Nope. Based on the goal of validating the offer…it was a HUGE success.

Remember, we weren’t trying to scale this offer yet. Our goal was to VALIDATE IT…

Did her audience want what she had to offer? YES!

Did they purchase her paid offer on the back end of the workshop? YES!

And did she happen to be profitable in the process? Most definitely!

Next time she runs this promotion, you better believe we’re running ads to the workshop.

She’s ready to scale and bring in a higher volume of ideal clients to the webinar that she can sell her high-ticket coaching program to.



I’d love to know…


What’s one question you have about running ads for your business?


What are you struggling with the most when it comes to running ads?


Hit reply and let me know.


P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you grow your business.


Premier Ads Management Package – If you’re ready to hire an expert to completely take over your advertising and skyrocket the success of your business, this is the package for you!

First Steps Ads Management Package – This is a great way to get started with outsourcing your advertising to grow your email list on a minimum budget.

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Delightful Notes From Clients

“Jenn opened my eyes to how much social media ads can skyrocket your business no matter what niche or market you are in.”
Landon Crawford
Aqualux Auto Detailing
“The ads were profitable from our very first few weeks working together!”
Mallory Dittmer
“The ads are more than I could have imagined, and I have already made back my investment.”
Sara Rudin
Baton Twirling 101